Vibe Streamer features the following and much more:
Free MP3 Streaming Server.
Easy installation and configuration.
Share unlimited files and directories.
Full support for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003.
Protect your directories with user accounts and groups.
Easily manage your users, groups and their access rights.
Restrict access to your server based on the clients IP address, for better security.
Unlimited skin possibilities, create your own or download new skins as they appear on our website.
The included standard skin supports the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.
Our own Vibe Script Language, for unlimited possibilities in skin creation.
Guaranteed free from backdoors, spyware, adware and other non-requested software.
Ecco un tool per windows veramente ottimo, soprattutto Freeware. Si tratta di un server di “condivisione musicale” che vi permette di ascoltare i vostri mp3 ovunque voi siate, vi basta essere collegati alla rete e disporre di adsl sempre connessa a casa. L’interfaccia รจ completamente personalizzabile, i file di configurazione in formato xml rendono questo server una applicazione flessibile e personalizzabile a livelli altissimi. Ottimi filtri per la sicurezza, fantastica!